Architectural ~ Exterior ~ Cordoba

EX-13601 - Satin Brass - White Opal Glass

EX-13601 - Satin Brass - White Opal Glass


EX-13600 - EX-13611

W:15" x H:36" x X:16" x MC:20"

EX-13604 LED Lamping: (1) 13W LED (1410 lumens)
EX-13600 Incandescent: (1) 60W A19 (800 lumens)

W:19" x H:46" x X:20" x MC:26"

EX-13610 LED Lamping: (1) 23W LED (2790 lumens)
EX-13601 Incandescent: (1) 100W A-19 (1740 lumens)

W:25" x H:60" x X:26" x MC:34"

EX-13611 LED Lamping: (1) 38w LED (5734 lumens)
EX-13602 Incandescent: (1) 150W A-21 (2680 lumens)

Our Cordoba fixtures are masterpieces of traditional styling and grace. They feature heavier-than-necessary brass details that can accentuate an historic building to the max. Wonderful, timeless, and functional.



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Cordoba Series: